The allotment scheme is a community initiative where people can register for an allotment. Then they are allocated some trees they can manage and use, after having had the relevant training and first aid. There are rules to be observed, such as only using marked trees and never going to work on the allotments alone. I
applied when I heard about it last year but wasn’t successful in getting an allocation, but I’m on the waiting list so hopefully I will get my allotment soon. My forest school practice would benefit from a ready supply of cost effective and ecologically sound wood. In the mean time I have been volunteering to help out at events and being rewarded with some wood. 🙂
Today we were tidying up the felled trees to take wood home, and to create habitat for small mammals, birds and insects. We created hurdles from the brash and generally tidied up a bit.
It was fun but hard work, and there are lots of nice people about.
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